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eYogi Advertisements

eYogi Gurukul is inviting businesses, sole traders, and individuals to advertise their merchandise here. eYogi Gurukul will charge a nominal fee or a small yearly donation. eYogi Gurukul offers 3 months of free advertisement to all its members. Monetary benefits are deposited into eYogi official bank account and used for organizational development. Visit our membership page to learn more. Simply contact to learn more. 



























If you would like to promote the Science and Spirituality, Yoga, Meditation, and ancient Indian knowledge then become a proud sponsor of eYogi Gurukul and donate one time or regularly by setting up a direct debit of any amount you like.

We receive money via methods such as; Cash, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, PayPal, etc. We prefer bank transfer method.

One-time donation:

You can donate money as a one-time donation using the above methods.

Regular Contributions:

We encourage donations regularly via a direct debit method. Please use the below account number for transferring funds. When transferring, please type your name in the description.

Registered Charity Number: 20205851

Account Name: eYogi Gurukul

Bank: AIB Ireland

IBAN: IE92AIBK93123324399060


Account Number: 24399060

NSC: 931233

If you have any technical issues, then contact our Financial Directors listed below under Contact Details section.

Finance Directors: Dilip Kathuria and Kuldeep Rawat E-mail:


If you would like to get involved with the eYogi Centre development and become part of the core-committee, then contact the President or Secretary, E-mail

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